Friday, August 20, 2010

Life Goes on!

With much suffering and breakdowns during the first week of work, I have finally pick myself up to look at things positively. Well, not 100% up yet but then at least I am 90% off from depression!

How sad can life be... I can't bring my Camoorah to work! ARGH! 

How hard working can we be? Do we work long hours to show our productivity or do we work short and effective? Well, if there is no time limit to go home, that definitely spoils the market. But when you work towards a time limit, you'll tend to be a little more effective and focus in work. Sadly, this is not the culture here. HATE to THE MAXIMUM! Can't wait till the day I tender my letter! Yes, I know I have just completed my second week, I have learnt something and I love my job...I just hate the culture!

Ah, with life without the SUN, I almost lost my excitement for my birthday. However, friends around you are always the best finger to tickle you and make u smile! ~silent~~~~ Ok what ever. I am just saying that friends are one of the best comfort in life when you are all defeated! That is why God simply put people around us!

This year I am truly blessed with so many greetings on my FB wall (I can't reply them one by one!), blessed with wonderful gifts from hubby and friends and a lovely call from my mama! I am also blessed with so much work that I almost could not make it home to celebrate my birthday with my beloved cell members! LIFE! 

Above all the stresses, taking photo is an absolute stress relief next to shopping!

This picture gives me the feeling of calmness... Love this pic! Took it with manual mode! AHA! 80%mastering it ald!

Cute? My sis-in-law fav doggy! ahahahahaha!

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