Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Lately, I am a little into photography. Just amazed by how much I have learn to use a DSLR camera and also to understand the basics of taking a picture. It is really beautiful. Every picture should tells a story and a story that captured peoples heart.

Having interest in taking pictures was my favourite since young (around 12 yrs old since my dad trust me with his camera). They camera doesn't really left my side eversince. I enjoy searching for a perfect frame to fit my pictures and going places with nice scenary but never understand the basic of it. Ah.. since I now know a little more of the basic, I think it will really help me a lot to improve my hobby!

What amaze me when I was learning the basic of photography is the difference between a photographer and a camera operator. Most of us are camera operator. We se nice pictures, we will just press the button and snap. We see something cute, we just snap! But photographer is different. They do snap pictures but the consider the arrangement of the back ground, lighting, line elements and a story line. They paint a picture in their vision before snaping the pictures! They fore see the outcome before taking it. Hmmm... I am so inspired!

In life it is pretty much the same. To achieve success we muct first visualise it and then walk the vision. Yeah, what pastor say is really true, we need a vision in order to grow...

I am working towards my first DSLR but due to the high price, i think a little compact camera of my own should be good for now!

1 comment:

Shu said...

Hello girl.. Just dropping by at your blog here. Got the link from your MSN display name. Hehe.. do upload some of the pics that you have taken. Cheers!
