The word “Baby” does not mean anything to me all these
years. Even though I got married early, “Baby” was not what I would even plan
or think about at that time or maybe never! I could not imagine myself
pregnant, carrying a baby (which I don’t at all before this), feeding a baby,
going around with a baby, cleaning poop and pee and etc. Just NO! I would probably
sucked as a mom. I was just comfortable as myself and doing my thing my own way
and timing. Just not as a mom! I Have no idea how to handle or talk to a kid!
The fact is like it or not, the moment you get married, everyone
will ask and some will pressure you about babies. Growing up in a Christian family background plus Chinese culture, we don’t live/sleep/vacation alone with our potential spouse until we
get married. BAH! Very traditional and conservative I know! So why not enjoy the two after marriage before moving on to 3 or
more (Just my point of view and you do not have to agree/disagree with it!)?
Hewp! I can write all my point of views about marriage and baby timeline here but let’s just save it for another
post or maybe not at all.
Moving to the next phase of life (Parenthood) was not an
easy decision. It was an exciting move for my hubby but it was rather “yes and
no” situation for me. Being neither here nor there, I was actually very lost.
Making the matter worst, I have a very frequent traveler hubby (due to his job
nature). It was tough to face the stress all alone most of the time which
eventually draws down to depression (and yet nobody understands but God
understands). Phew. After much consideration, negotiations (YES NEGOTIATE) and
lectures, we finally decided on family expansion after 2 years of marriage (I
was still trying to sort out my life with plus one!).
After nine months of baking (spending my entire second
trimester in Montreal with hubby), I am finally a mom with a physical baby in
my arms! Me being me, as hard as a rock, as rebellious and a cow, you can
imagine how hard I fought between scientific/medical facts and traditional
myths throughout my pregnancy plus confinement. It was not easy and until today
myths still don’t make sense to me but hey! I am born Chinese! So accept it!
Some advices are given through observations and own experiences without
clinical test and they may or may not benefit you. And me being a researcher, I
guess I would have to learn to accept some of what I don’t see/read or tested. So
my advice, just listen, you might need them or maybe not along the way. CHEERS!
(Seriously…. Drink more soy bean for fairer baby? Or don’t eat octopus during
pregnancy or else something will pull baby in the womb and you can’t push the
baby out! Muahahaha!) Ok, fine, people still do believe in those myths! So
please! Respect! MILO MAKES BABY BLACK! Tell me that! I am a milo addict! OK!
*Make peace!*

Beautiful Sky in Montreal, Canada
Today, I am a blessed mom of a one year old darling. I am so
blessed to be given a choice to handle my baby on my own. Being a 24 hour mom,
it teaches me life beyond myself. I learned to love, care and to give more than
I could even imagine. I couldn’t see myself as a mom who cleans/touches poop
and yet I did it! Well, I guess she changes me. It is amazing to see how God
works. From month to month I see her grow, change and does new tricks like how
she begin to crawl and now walk (very fast and sudden!)! It is beyond what I
can imagine to see how God created human to be and experiences are beyond what
we read on books/articles. As a researcher, I call this “practice brings theory
to life”! Seriously, I think I read a lot ever since I am a mom! Ah well, there
are so many things to learns when it comes to babies and not to forget about
what to feed them when they started to eat! I have never been so serious about
food until I am pregnant and even more when started feeding my baby. We all
know that articles are articles. So do talk to other moms or your doctor for
some information too! That is how I learn about motherhood from zero to
something. HEHE! Baby friendly home? Bah! Don’t even talk about it! It was not
an issue until she turns one! Now I am learning to make my home baby friendly.
So do wish me luck! (Advices and Ideas are welcome too!)The journey of growing together
is priceless and to be able to give the best for her is definitely a blessing
from God. Her laughter and presence brings so much joy to the family.

A very playful girl
I think u can see me and my baby getting chubbier together! HAHAHA!
Hubby fed us well! *HUGS*
We as a parent, we learn so much by having so much hands on
experience. We are glad to have a strong baby who is able to follow us no
matter where we fly. By trial and error (I hope no serious damage), I am glad
we made it! Not an easy task but a fulfilling one! *High Five!*
Hugs to all mom and mom to be out there!